Join the Pika Patrol
With the climate crisis looming over the American pika, community scientists are stepping up to collect key data!
There are two ways to become involved with the Colorado Pika Project:
1. Collect pika data at our long-term monitoring sites
- Our traditional volunteering option (around since 2010)!
- Requires attending a ~5 hour summer training session
- Follows a multi-step scientific protocol
- Monitoring locations are located in White River National Forest, Rocky Mountain National Park, and across the Front Range ( check out a map here ).
2. Use the Pika Patrol app to record pika observations wherever
- A newly released smartphone app for Apple and Android
- No training session required!
- Training materials available in the app
- Very simple protocol; just take photos / sound recordings of pika sign and upload them into the app
- Make observations anywhere that pikas are found!

Pika Surveys at Long-Term Monitoring Sites
Help us protect pikas by hiking to some of the most beautiful places in Colorado!
Pika surveys at long-term monitoring sites are the core of the Colorado Pika Project. CPP community scientists—or Pika Patrollers—collect data on the presence of pikas and the characteristics of their habitat at nearly 200 locations in the scenic high country of Colorado. Our community scientists have been visiting some of these sites for a decade, which has provided critical data to land managers and researchers about the distribution and habitat use of pika. Through the dedication of CPP volunteers, we can not only track how climate change is impacting pika, but find solutions to any potential threats.
Before visiting a site, all Pika Patrollers must first attend a field training to learn how to collect the reliable & useful data that is needed to understand and protect pikas. Please visit the Training Sign Up to register for a training session and Sign up for our email list to stay in the loop!
What does surveying pika monitoring sites involve?
Where are these pika monitoring sites?
When in the year can I survey a pika site?
Are you taking any COVID-19 precautions at your new volunteer trainings?
Is the Colorado Pika Project a good fit for kids?
What’s the difference between “Front Range” sites and “Public Lands” sites?
We need your help to understand how climate change is impacting pikas!
If you’d like to join our team of Pika Patrollers, sign up for our email list below to stay in the loop!

Record Pika Observations with the Pika Patrol App
Collect pika observations while you’re out doing whatever you love to do in the mountains
Click the button below to learn more about how you can record pika observations using the Pika Patrol app! Unlike our long-term pika monitoring program, Pika Patrol doesn’t require attending a training session or hiking out to specific locations. It’s an easy-to-use conservation tool that is perfect for anyone who likes to get out into the beautiful places pikas call home.
Any questions?
Reach out to us at

Pika juvenile, courtesy of Bob Zaparanick

Collecting pika scat, courtesy of Lauren Buchholz