Pika Patrol

A smartphone app for the conservation of the American pika

Pika Patrol allows you to record observations of American pikas wherever you find them! Even if you’ve never seen a pika before, Pika Patrol will teach you to identify them by sight, calls, haypiles, and scat. 

By joining our team of community scientists, you will help researchers understand how pikas are coping with climate change. This is important information as we figure out how to best protect pikas and their habitat. Pika Patrol is part of the Colorado Pika Project, a joint initiative by Rocky Mountain Wild and Denver Zoo.

Get the Pika Patrol App! 

By downloading and using the Pika Patrol App, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Statement.

Introducing the Pika Patrol App!

Observe, identify and record American pikas with the Pika Patrol App.

Use the arrows to the right and left to see more helpful videos!

How to find and identify pikas

Learn how to identify pikas by sight, calls, haypiles, and scat.

Use the arrows to the right and left to see more helpful videos!

Pika Patrol Tutorial

Watch this tutorial to learn how to use the Pika Patrol app.

Use the arrows to the right and left to see more helpful videos!

Confused about something in the Pika Patrol app? Running into an issue?

Click the button to the right
for more info and our Frequently Asked Questions!

Do your part to combat the climate crisis and secure a future for Colorado’s wildlife by donating to offset the carbon footprint of your travel to see pikas.   

Photo Credits 

Pikas in meadow and talus: Kristi Odom

App logo: Chris Sprague