Colorado Pika Project
2024 Training Sessions
Volunteer training sessions have concluded for the 2024 season. Please check back in the spring for information about 2025 training sessions or join our email list to be notified when registration opens.
We need your help to understand how climate change is impacting pikas in Colorado.
Ready to join the Pika Patrol? Click on one of the button below to sign up for a training session this summer!
Please be aware that training sessions take place at high altitude and involve moving around talus (loose rock piles), which can be rough and unstable. Most training locations are immediately adjacent to a parking area, but some will require hikes of up to 1.5 miles round trip.
We highly recommend having experience hiking at high elevations (above 10,000 ft), prior to attending one of these training sessions.
Space is limited, so please only sign up for a training if you hope to volunteer with us this summer. If the only training session that works for you is filled up, feel free to put your name on the waitlist using the sign-up form. Click here to learn more about our pika monitoring program and what these trainings will involve!